Give your feet the benefit of professional care from an Advanced Foot Care Nurse.
Janice Harding, RN
Certification in Advanced Foot Care Nursing
VAC (Veteran's Affairs Canada) registered
CAFCN member
Foot Care News...

Professional Foot Care You Can Trust.
Janice Harding is an experienced licensed Registered Nurse with certification in Advanced Foot Care Nursing.
She is a member of CAFCN (Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses), and is registered with Veteran's Affairs. All services are tax deductible and may be covered by your extended medical plan.
Janice's experience and knowledge as a Registered Nurse is an important benefit in ensuring your feet are properly cared for. Don't trust your health to anything less.
Did You Know...
In a lifetime, the average person has walked a distance equal to 5 times around the earth. That's over 2 million steps!
Our feet are the foundation of our body and we depend upon them for support, balance and mobility. When our feet are a source of pain or discomfort it can affect our sense of wellbeing and general health.
Several foot and nail problems will benefit from regular professional nursing foot care.

News //
February 2024
FOOT CARE appointments are available in Kelowna Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
$60/one hour home visit. Receipts provided for income tax purposes.
See Contact page for details
Are you diabetic? The importance of regular foot care.
January 2024
Foot care is an important part of diabetes management. People with diabetes are at increased risk for foot problems. High blood glucose can damage the nerves and blood vessels in your feet.
You can prevent serious foot problems by taking care of your feet and scheduling regular foot care appointments.
Did you know?
March 20, 2016
3 out of 4 people develop foot problems as they age
Taking good care of your feet will help you maintain good balance, which can prevent slips and falls
Signs of future health problems (diabetes, arthritis, poor circulation) can be evident on the feet
Foot problems can differ between diabetics & non-diabetics
Diabetes can cause damage to the nervous system, therefore people may not feel physical pain in or on their feet. Sores may develop as a result.
Services Offered...

Foot assessment/health history
Diabetic foot care & education
Nail clipping & filing
Reduction & trimming of thick or fungal nails
Corn & callus care
Application of lotions/emollients
Nail packing & padding
Medical/podiatrist referrals